
Optimal Performance

Being healthy doesn't simply mean not being sick--it's so much more than that. True health is having the strength, energy and endurance level you strive for and being able to participate in activities to do what you want to do when you want to do it, not being limited by physical inability to perform as desired. At Masterpiece Health we can coach you and provide resources and tools to help you become the healthiest you, always performing at your best level.

What does Optimal Performance Mean for You?

Do you wish you had more energy? Do you wish you could focus or have better memory? Do you need to lose a few extra pounds? Do you have trouble staying motivated? Has your sex drive disappeared? Do you catch every cold going around? Do you want to feel normal again? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are not functioning at your optimal performance. Perhaps up to this point you’ve considered these things annoying or something you could live with, but you need to ask yourself if you are living life to its fullest while dealing with these issues … if you want to find your optimal performance, you’ve come to the right place. Masterpiece Health can help you reach your highest health goals!

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

As we age our bodies make less and less hormones. By balancing the hormones you can feel and look better. Having healthy hormone levels allows your body to function like it needs to. Your body has thousands of different types of hormones floating around in your body delivering messages to cells, turning on or off actions or metabolism. For women the two of the biggest components of your hormone make up are Estrogen and Progesterone. For men it is testosterone levels. Check out our specific articles on women’s hormone’s, men’s hormone’s, and thyroid. Those articles will have more details but below is a list of a few things you can expect while taking bio-identical hormones.

What to Expect while on BHRT (Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy)

  • Women
    • Increased Energy
    • Relief from Hot Flashes
    • Improved Muscle Mass and Athletic Performance
    • Improved Sex Drive and Enjoyment
    • Noticeable Mental Clarity and Memory Improvement
    • Balanced Moods and Ability to Handle Stress and Anxiety
    • Weight Loss
    • Better Sleep
    • Bone Density Protection
    • Prevent Long Term Chronic Diseases
    • Slow Aging
  • Men
    • Increased Energy
    • Improved Muscle Mass and Athletic Performance
    • Improved Sex Drive and Performance
    • Noticeable Mental Clarity and Memory Improvement
    • Elevated Mood and Ability to Handle Stress
    • Weight Loss
    • Stronger Immune System
    • Less Food Cravings
    • Lower Cholesterol
    • Prevent Long Term Chronic Diseases
    • Slower Aging




Bio-identical Hormones

Bio-identical hormones are hormones used for hormone therapy that have the same chemical structure as the hormones your body would naturally make. Almost all are derived from plants but when they get into your body they have the same response as the hormones that your body make would. Because of this they have much less risk, potential side-effects and complications as long as you are going to a doctor that knows what they are doing.

Bio-identical hormones are a natural hormone therapy and the safest way to restore your bodies hormone levels to a healthy balance. We only prescribe natural bio-identical hormones these are the closest to what your body naturally produces and therefore are safer and effective.

Now is the time to get your hormones checked. Often levels drop and you still feel line driving on fumes. The best time to call is now. Schedule a simple blood test and an appointment with one of our doctors.

The Male Testosterone Controversy

Testosterone has been the subject of controversy since the 1960s, when it gained popularity among the athletes as a performance enhancer.  The abuse of testosterone by athletes escalated testosterone into a federally controlled substance.  Many men who are thinking about testosterone replacement express great concern about using a hormone that has received so much negative press.

Much of the fear that has been generated about testosterone is based on the side effects experienced by body builders and athletes…that is, the population of men who overuse and abuse testosterone.  It is important to understand that every hormone in the body is essential to maintaining health and balance, however, when in too high amounts, any hormone can have detrimental effects.

When discussing testosterone replacement with men, I am frequently asked…what about the risk of conditions like prostate cancer or liver diseaseAgain, be aware that these risks are observed in men who are taking large amounts of testosterone, well above the recommended therapeutic doses.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid, meaning it encourages the growth of tissues like muscles, bones, blood and nerves. When testosterone is being overdosed, it can stimulate overgrowth of these tissues, which can lead to diseases of the heart, blood, liver, and various other tissues.  Additionally, the body may tend to eliminate excessive amounts by converting it to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and estrogen…two hormones that can cause prostate disease, among other conditions in men.

In the right therapeutic amount, however, testosterone stimulates regeneration of the tissues of the body keeping us young and vibrant, which makes testosterone a wonderful addition to an anti-aging protocol.  In fact, testosterone has been shown to prevent and even treat many cases of prostate disease.  It strengthens the heart muscle, tonifies the blood, and reduces the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

When men express concern about starting testosterone therapy, I try to point out that testosterone levels are highest in males in their late teens and early twenties.  If it were indeed a hormone that was dangerous to the prostate and heart, prostate and heart disease would be more prevalent in men in this age bracket.  In fact, just the opposite is true.  Prostate and heart disease is least prevalent in men in their late teens and early twenties.  Testosterone therapy is a safe, and frequently necessary therapy, in the prevention of many diseases, so long as it is monitored with regular blood tests.

Testosterone therapy causes prostate disease More recent data shows prostate disease is the result of low testosterone & high estrogen.  Healthy testosterone levels actually improve the health of the prostate gland.
Testosterone therapy causes liver disease The liver is the main organ that eliminates hormones from the body. Most any of the sex hormones can place stress on the liver if present in excess amounts. This is why it is crucial to monitor testosterone therapy with regular blood tests.
Testosterone therapy causes unhealthy thickening of the blood Testosterone increases the number of red blood cells in the blood improving stamina and endurance. Testosterone only causes unhealthy thickening of the blood if used in excess – frequently seen in bodybuilders using high amounts of testosterone.
Testosterone therapy causes testicular shrinkage Bodybuilders and athletes who use testosterone for athletic enhancement typically take between 2 ½ to 5 times the recommended dose.  This high dose of testosterone can cause the testicles (the organs that produce testosterone) to atrophy.